To reset clock, pull knob
"A" at top of clock out and turn in desired direction.
To regulate the clock for more accurate
timekeeping, place small screwdriver of similar tool in slot in
small knob "B" behind the reset knob and turn toward
"F" if clock is running slow, or toward "S" if
clock is running fast. It is advisable to move the regulator only
one division or graduation at a time. By following this procedure
your clock may be regulated to keep exceptionally close time
electric clock requires special attention when reconnecting a battery that
has been disconnected for any reason, a clock that has been disconnected,
or when replacing a blown fuse. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE INITIAL WIND
To be certain of this, proceed as follows:
- Make sure that all other instruments and lights
are off.
- Connect one terminal of the battery first.
Before permanently connecting the other cable,
touch the terminal to its post on the battery. Immediately afterward
strike the terminal again to see if there is a spark. If there is, allow
the clock to run down until it stops ticking and repeat as above until
there is no spark. Then immediately make the permanent connection before
the clock can again run down. The clock will run down in approximately 2
The above procedure should also be followed when
reconnecting the clock after connections have been removed, or when
replacing a blown fuse. Be sure to disconnect the battery cable before
installing new fuse.
Failure of clock to run may be caused by an of the
Blown fuse - discharged battery - corroded battery
terminals - wire improperly connected to light switch, fuse block or
terminal connection to back of clock - or defective clock.
In replacing fuse, use only 2-ampere AGA fuse on all